- At The Old Barn Shop Available In-Store Only
The latest product to be launched in the KM Health Range - the Ultimate Oil Lick is a high-quality vitamin, mineral and trace element lick designed to support your horses' diet throughout the year. Working with the team behind Horslyx, KM Elite have developed and formulated what they are calling the ‘Ultimate Oil Lick’. A combination of essential vitamins and minerals, (Vitamin E & Selenium are well known antioxidants) with Biotin & Zinc included too.
Add to that the KM Elite Ultimate Oil, a blend of high quality oils providing more than 190 bioactive nutrients including healthy ratios of Omegas 3, 6, 9 and rare Omega 7 - nourishing the horse’s body with essential fatty acids, minerals, plant sterols, antioxidants, amino acids, anti-viral and antibacterial nutrients. There are also key vitamins including Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, B15, C, E, K included.
It has been produced in accordance with the BETA NOPS assurance scheme, and the KM Elite Ultimate Oil Lick is legal under the rules of racing and other FEI affiliated competition. KM have only used the highest quality ingredients, including KM Elite Ultimate Oil with its palatable coconut flavour - making it the first choice for all equines, from leisure horses to those competing at the highest levels.
The 7.5kg block offers amazing value for money as well as all the supplementary benefits it offers.